>About Canada’s pet bear Kumajirou, why did he give him that name? I just can’t help wondering why he has a Japanese name even though they are in Canada.
You’re right, it’s a very obviously Japanese name, isn’t it lol. If I change it to an English one, his name would actually be Will-bear but Canada might accidentally call him things like Tom-bear, Ben-bear, Tim-bear, or Sam-bear…
>You mentioned that America becomes a superhero when he takes off his glasses, so what would his chosen mode of transportation be while in his hero form…? Does he fly? It was mentioned in one of the previous drama CDs that there are some comic book heroes who ride horses or even taxis…
>About the fill-able speech bubbles you offered before, they were standard size for the time, but now when I want to use them I found that they were too small. I was hoping to expand them to make them a bit bigger, but is it alright to mod them like that?
I don’t mind at all! Whether it’s using only a part of it, or expanding it, I’m happy if you put it to use in the way that you need it.
>It seems like it would be difficult for 165cm tall Japan to carry a 120cm long Japanese katana sheathed at his belt, so is that why he carries it on his back instead? In that case, he’d have to jump in order to draw his sword!
Drawing a sword with a jump would be funny!
That sword is only one of several that he owns, and he’ll choose a sword that’s appropriate for the occasion. The one you see tied on his back is the extra-long one you mentioned.
>If I want to make a copy of an image posted on Kitayume, is it ok as long as I credit you for the original?
As long as it’s made clear somehow where it is from, I’m not terribly picky about what you put in the credits. I don’t mind if my photos are used as stock photos, even if I’m not credited.。
>Do you like that anime about the three girls from Bou Manga Club? I also love it, so I’d be really happy if you could draw a character from it!
I like the casualness of the fact that no one but Ai can actually draw manga. Ai’s such a nice girl… I also think the Angel Shakarafi is cute.
[TN: He seems to be talking about the manga
Ai Mai Mi.]
>I’d like to see Sve and Tiberius getting together in the same place! Would they be able to communicate?
Sweden can actually communicate pretty well. Finland thinks he understands him most of the time, but even though they’re neighbors, ever so often he’d come across something about Sweden that he doesn’t understand, and the other Nordics would watch over them heartwarmingly.
Getting them together like this seems like fun!
In the year 20xx, suddenly, one day, the main character was chosen to lead a project with a class full of students whose “abilities would flourish if only they were better communicators.” Even the project manager won’t hear what the main character has to say, and the students are more or less what was expected… I guess to put it nicely you can say they all have unique personalities.
Will the teacher be able to get a greeting response from his class!?
[TN: The rest of the post is a parody of
otome games.]
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