Aug 02, 2004 16:48
ISodaPop7I: dude
Bumfacepoohead: hgey
ISodaPop7I: you will never believe this shit
Bumfacepoohead: what
ISodaPop7I: on sat night john and scott were over drinkin. i went to bed. john left. and then john came back to drink more, but he saw scott, accompanied with chad lowe, munyon, tank and some other kid walkin up to the kellehers
ISodaPop7I: whom wed been partyin with alley earlier
ISodaPop7I: and i guess brian goo, the black kid- the older one, told them they had to beat it cuz it was kinda a private party
ISodaPop7I: so scott and them went back to tanks to "regroup and gather weapons"
ISodaPop7I: went back to the kellehers. scott threw the first punch, knocked out goos two front teeth
Bumfacepoohead: oh my god
ISodaPop7I: then goo swung back, tank knocked goo over from the back then all 4 or 5 of the other kids started kickin him and shit "fuck you nigger get the fuck outta our town"
ISodaPop7I: like all beatin on him and yellin and shit
ISodaPop7I: so thats a hate crime man, they will all go to jail if goo presses charges
Bumfacepoohead: cuz he told them to leave?
ISodaPop7I: yea
Bumfacepoohead: what a bunch of assholes
ISodaPop7I: like those kids are all like 25 and shit, goin to drink witha bunch of 16 year old girls
ISodaPop7I: yea man
ISodaPop7I: im glad john didnt go back and shit
Bumfacepoohead: yea
Bumfacepoohead: what assholesssssss
Bumfacepoohead: seriously
ISodaPop7I: he was smart enough not to wanna party with 16 yr old girls
ISodaPop7I: i know man thats so fucked up
Bumfacepoohead: i feel bad for the kid
Bumfacepoohead: how long did they beat him for
ISodaPop7I: i know me too
ISodaPop7I: i dunno
Bumfacepoohead: what are the injuries?
ISodaPop7I: but i had seen him earlier that night with that caleb kid
ISodaPop7I: and i was nice to them and shit
Bumfacepoohead: besides 2 teeth
ISodaPop7I: prolly mad bruises and shit
Bumfacepoohead: wow those kids are pretty cool for doin that
ISodaPop7I: i know
ISodaPop7I: i wanna beat up black people
Bumfacepoohead: so who'd u hear this from
ISodaPop7I: i heard it yesterday from boyle, but he didnt have details. then just now he got the details from john
ISodaPop7I: who i guess got the story from scott
Bumfacepoohead: did any of thenm get arrested?
ISodaPop7I: not yet... not that i know of anyway
ISodaPop7I: i kinda hope they do man
ISodaPop7I: thats so fucked up
Bumfacepoohead: seriously
Bumfacepoohead: so gay
ISodaPop7I: i dont want any of those kids here again
ISodaPop7I: like john is cool and shit, the whole night hes like "dude this is wicked wierd, these girls are so young, they should prolly get outta here and shit"
Bumfacepoohead: they were at ur house?
ISodaPop7I: but everyone else is whack
ISodaPop7I: yea
ISodaPop7I: they came here after i passed out, but ryan was still up... then they walked up to alleys
Bumfacepoohead: wow
ISodaPop7I: and as soon as they did ryan locked the doors and turned off the lights and shit
Bumfacepoohead: so they wouldnt bcome back?
ISodaPop7I: yea
ISodaPop7I: clever thinking
Bumfacepoohead: lame
Bumfacepoohead: o's