Bamboo Feathers turns four today! I really can't believe this group has been around so long O.o But well, I guess working on long-running series will have that side-effect! Lots of stuff today. And since our anniversary just so happens to be Christmas Eve, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! (And a fun holiday season in general~)
First up, the G-Defend team has put together another chapter for everyone to enjoy. Make sure to thank Paper Tiger, Gallaplacidia, Ximena and Shinsanagi for their hard work on this series. I do almost nothing for it =D
G-Defend v07 c30 [
Next, we finally (finally!) have the last bit of Koori done: the artbook. It's 40 pages of gorgeous color art and 40 pages of black and white sketches, interviews, character profiles, etc. We've translated just about everything that has to do with Koori, but there's a fair amount that doesn't and was left untranslated. Keep flipping through the pages -- at the very end, there's a new Koori short story. But keep in mind, this artbook came out around when Koori v16 was released! So all the information in it is from mid-series :) I hope everyone enjoys! Huge huggles to Deliciosidad for scanning the book for us. The project is now officially complete!
Koori no Mamono no Monogatari artbook [
And our main project, Yami no Kodou. As promised, we're releasing all 9 Chara extras that we skipped. These extras come out yearly in Chara extra booklets (Chara is the name of the magazine YnK runs in!), and aren't republished with the volumes. But, based on the year they come out, you can line them up with the volume that came out that year. To avoid confusion at update sites and online readers, we're releasing this giant chunk of extras as a "volume 23 extras", even though the extras span from 2004 all the way to 2013 (volume 11 to volume 23!). We've got notes in there about when each came out and what volume it correlates to. Major huggles to Chilu for buying these raws for us -- and the fans who helped pay her back :)
Yami no Kodou v23 extra [
DL] <-- 9 extras in one file!
Now for the big announcement! A surprise for the YnK fans: We're going to speed up releases of this series. From now on, you'll be seeing (mostly!) weekly releases so that we can finish it up double-time. Basically -- we've only got about a dozen chapters left to finish through v26, so why not just burn through them?? =D Let's see how quickly we can do it!
Yami no Kodou v24 c96 [
Yami no Kodou v24 c97 [
And with that, I hope everyone has a great holiday season!!