As promised last post, we've got more G-Defend! We'll wrap up the release-a-thon next week with one more chapter, too =D
Also! More Yami no Kodou! OMG, guys, this chapter <3 I just love this little peek into their past lives. It really helped me understand that whole side of the story better, and has me psyched for the next arc of the series where the shinma warriors appear =D (Well, we still have a while before that >.>) Anyway, another volume down! On to volume 12...
And right, thanks again to everyone who donated. We've raised enough to purchase the YnK raws, so you'll have much prettier releases starting at v14 <3
And our remote hosts seem to be working OK... though people are overwhelmingly using MediaFire more than Mega. Go use Mega if you can, don't want to overload one server =D
G-Defend vb06 c24 [DL @
Mega or
Yami no Kodou v11 c41.5 [DL @
Mega or