Aug 29, 2007 12:41
So, it's been a while since my last post. A lot has happened between now and then. That shitty job where everyone hated me and treated me like shit? Yeah, I got fired from it. But I totally didn't care. I have since gotten a job at Steve & Barry's in the mall. It's exactly the same as working at Old Navy, which I liked. And most of the people there seem to like me pretty well. Even the ones I got funky vibes off of at first are seeming to warm up to me. And I'm getting a lot of hours. I'm not really sure if I still work at Hong Kong.
Heath is getting extra hours at his job, too. I'm a little worried about that. See, last fall sucked majorly. I was working one or two jobs, he was working and going to school. We hardly ever got to see each other. Making time for each other between both of us being so busy and his family being one massive whack-job was (is) difficult. It's only the second week of school and I can already tell it's going to be just as hard as last fall. I'm not looking forward to missing him. I just hope we can find the time (and the $$) to go canoeing before it gets too cold to go swimming. We could wait a little later but, it's not as much fun if you can't just park your canoe and jump in the river. I've been the last two years in a row and I love it. I'd really like to go with Heath this year.
In other news, his friends that I had sort of a falling out with and I are cool again. It's like nothing ever happened. And his grandmother has been being really sweet to me lately. So sweet, it's almost scary. In the last two times I've seen her, she told me I looked pretty and that I am "sensible" and she insisted I have a really pretty top she had just bought for herself. It feels so good to finally feel accepted by her.
Oh, I also had my twenty-first birthday since I last posted. And I actually got to be with Heath for the first birthday of mine since we have been together. That...was really really nice. I also got a new iPod nano from my mom. It's blue and gorgeous and it actually works. I love it. I'M LEGAL!
On the flip side of not so happy things, I have a very dear friend whom I have spent the summer getting to know quite well. He was merely an acquaintance until a few months ago. I become attached to people extremely quickly and easily. And now that I'm attached, he has accepted a position as an ESL teacher in South Korea. He will be leaving as early as mid-September and the contract is for a year, he can renew if he so chooses. So, I become close to this great person and then they go half way around the world and I may very well never see them again. This is an amazing opportunity for him; he's single, no kids, parents are divorced and one sibling. He would be bettering himself by far and I have tried my hardest to not discourage him in any way but, I really really do not want him to leave. I have been trying to make sure he doesn't mistake my lack of enthusiasm for a lack of support. I just hate having to say goodbye. Seriously, I can spend ten or fifteen minutes saying goodbye to someone I'm going to see the next day. How am I going to say goodbye to someone I'm not going to see for at least a year? I just don't know.
Well, I've got tons laundry to do and not much time to do it in. It's been nice catching up. Later!