The Teacher Is Now A Student

Jan 09, 2009 22:37

I am now officially a student again...and a lecturer...


I started my Masters class on Thursday. Technically, I started last week but since I'm doing that one as an independent study course, Thursday was literally my first class. It was....interesting...

It's odd, to be both the lecturer and the student..the role reversal is rather...Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde-ish...but it's cool..different...

And I have to write (in a group) an essay about globalization with the length of 25-30 pages.

Can we say, "SHIT!"?

Apparently, that's normal...*shrugs*

And I'm making my presence known at the Singapore National Library (Central Library) since they have an excellent collection of books regarding Language and Language Learning...The 7th floor Reference Library is now my new home...

Dude, it's scary when you're doing you have to go overseas to do your research...well, technically overseas anyways..*winks*

I'll be away for the weekend. My uni's sending the staff and lecturers for a spa retreat at some herbal something or rather..I'd be jumping for joy if it weren't for the fact that I have an 8am class on Monday..oh long as it's free....

work, school

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