When definitions get nasty

Jul 05, 2007 22:49

Anyone been to Urban Dictionary before? You should. You can spend hours there...

I'll post some excerpts of the definitions given there...

IPOD - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ipod

The world's smallest form of penis compensation.

Make sure you wear your white headphones everywhere you go while struting around in your tight pants and white belt while listening to the latest Hawthorne Heights song. Who cares if you have no class or taste, you're cool.

by Amall

I bought one of these with my saved money. iPods are a waste of space on earth.

1. It holds more songs than anyone will ever own in their lives.
2. It says 12 hour battery life, but lasts for dick hours
3. Limited rechargeable battery - there are only a certain amount of charges you can use and then you have to pay a bazillion dollars for a new god damn battery.
4. Covering scratches easily, and if you don't want the screen to look like a cat was trying to find drugs in it, you have to buy a 50 dollar rubber case that yellows with time.
5. So overpriced for such a piece of shit. $420.00 CDN for it alone, and then a 3-year warranty which bumped it up to $508.00.

Seriously. Go die, Apple.

"Holy crap, you have an iPod! That's so cool! How many songs does it hold?"
"Five thousand."
"How many do you have on it?"
"About 200."
"Why the shit did you get a 20 GB then"
"........I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you"

by Lindsay the gangster

My Space - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=myspace

It's the ultimate game of testing your ego. It becomes a competition of seeing who has the most friends, so you add everyone you've made eye contact with in the past 6 years, constantly posting bulletins telling people to comment on your NEW PICZ PLZ or die. Also a way for every garage band ever to make a Myspace Music profile without even have talent and/or experience as other bands have. Also a new place for every hott girl in the world to prove how slutty they are by making a Myspace and putting pictures of themselve's where they only have 1/5 of their clothes on with the quote under it "I used photoshop to cover my boobs, So What."

Comment on my myspace plz LOL!

by Brett

An error-infested shithole of a website.

Sorry! an unexpected error has occurred.

This error has been forwarded to MySpace's technical group.

by Arai

Fall Out Boy - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fall+out+boy

The name is derived from the television show, The Simpsons, Fallout Boy is the young sidekick to the Superhero, Radioactive Man. Like Robin is to Batman.

The band Fall Out Boy is currently(2005-06) very popular. However, they give what is quite possibly the worst live performance of any major record label band currently out.

The guitarist and bassist insist on being in constant motion while on stage, including jumping in 360's, getting on top of amps, and jumping off of stage platforms, even though they are physically incapable of continuing to play correctly while doing so. The lead singer/second guitarist can neither sing, nor play guitar well, much less perform both tasks at the same time. This produces a stage sound and presence which is highly unnatractive, and very unpleasant to the ear.

Their songs are pop-driven, somewhat simple, yet varied, and feature many catch phrases that will be branded all over your friends' AIM profiles and Myspaces for the next few months.


"Drop a heart, break a name"

"I'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in this song"

"Sugar, we're going down"

"We'r always siffee ee eida sefehh fodah roongg teeee"

As the last quote demonstrates, most of their lyrics, even on the studio tracks, are indiscernible to the common person's ear. But not the 8th and 9th grade girls. They can mysteriously hear all of the lyrics and find great, deep meanings in them.

Girl: "OMG i loove Fall Out Boy, 'Sugar We're Going Down' is the anthem of my lifeeee"
Guy: "I think we need to break up"
Girl: *sad face* "I'm just a notch in your bedpost, aren't i?"
Guy: "Yeah, seriously, we're not even going to be friends anymore."

by rockbutnotroll

Backstreet Boys - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=backstreet+boys

a boy band that was immensely popular among elementary-school girls in the 90's

a pop group whom it is now shameful to have liked, but everyone should just admit that they still have all of their albums

Holy crap. The Backstreet Boys are coming back. Life is good.

by ehhh

a boyband (or "vocal harmony group" in their own words) of the 1990's. known for their hits "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" and "I Want It That Way". As of mid-2004 are in the studio preparing a new album.

The Backstreet Boys have not split up.

by megs

The band EVERYONE grew up listening to.

If you trash on them, you're trashing on your childhood, so don't be such a prick tickler and appreciate them for taking you where you are today, musically.

I'm not advocating the revival of the Backstreet Boys, they're dead. But your 8 year old self would kick you in the nuts if they saw you hate on them now.

by you know you love them

Britney Spears - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=britney+spears

More hated in America than Osama bin Laden... and that's really, really sad.

Britney can't compensate her fake personality with just being hot.

by Chernorizets Hrabr

Other words to search for are Justin Timberlak (dude, this one is real funny!), High School Musical, Barney, Friendster, The OC, Pussycat Dolls, Power Rangers, Sesame Street and Captain Planet


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