My wireless is back on!

May 29, 2006 00:02

But I swear, I think it hates me. *sighs* Everyone around me should have known by now the problems I've been facing with my wireless connection. It's been, well, disconnected the last 2 weeks due to some stupid hiccup by the irritating pole jutting from the block in front of mine. Well, that same jutting pole is what allows me to get "Very Good" connections all the time, but somehow, I think it has a mind of its own and is paying back by being ridiculously slow tonight. And funny, cause I'm supposed to bring my Lappy-top to them tomorrow...people, when I say it's not my laptop's problem, it ISN'T. So now, it's fixed. A day before I'm supposed to send it for "repair". Isn't technology wonderful?

Gah, today has got to rank up there as one of the most pissied pissed off days for me...Firstly, the annoying senior in Literary Criticism class can't seem to shut up. I've given him so many awful names but he doesn't seem to get it. Today, I guess, my insult was on an all time high. See, he has this problem where he thinks it's cool to verbally pronounce whatever notes the Dr Umar is writing on the board. The class is quiet and he's blaring like a ridiculous imbecile. I thought my nickname "Noisy Rhino" was enough...That was until today:

"Some people are just so dumb that they have to actually say what they are writing to understand."

Won me a few laughs from the girls..I just wish I had said it out loud instead.

Then, comes the part where my Arabic exam marks suck big time. *sighs* Then again, all our Arabic exam marks sucked big time so...

And then, there was the guy thing I had problems with...gah....

And THEN, I'm having problems with a certain roomate that well, the three of us roomies are having problems with her..basically disrespectful is a word we shall use...

And THEN (yes, it gets longer), I find out that my Harddrive was kaputz due to an accidental fixture by the dude that fixed it previously...but thank goodness Joe was able to fix it..and Bob's burning my Elliott stuff for me...I asked him to put in all the Prison Break, Supernatural and Desperate Housewives series that he has....I hope he'll surprise me! Hee...

Prison Break tonight was awesome, as usual...but well, I'm just lucky it's on national TV....due to the ridiculous Akademi Fantasia show that's back on air, I heard a rumor that a girl in a neighbouring college *cough*Hafsa*cough* has brought the satelite dish to her room to watch it.

Firstly, let me remind you that bringing a tv into the room is illegal. *rolls eyes* Ok, so I hooked my laptop up to a TV Box that allows me to hook it up to an antenna which THEN allows me to watch tv. But to bring the bloody satellite DISH? What are you crazy? Where the hell are you gonna hang it, girl? Outside your window where the whole world can see? Kau gila ker? 


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