First of all, that's a cop out, Glee. You build up the "death" part in your spoilers and you cop out by dealing with the tough stuff off-screen? But the eulogy killed me simply because everytime there's a death/funeral scene on television, it always takes me back to my own mom's funeral and the words that I feelings and emotions that I felt when she died and how I'm still feeling them right now.
But Pure Imagination, though, in my opinon, should only be sung by this one man.
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And Jon's sexy!face during Fodue for Two. <3 Also, who wants to bet St James is a first born?
Also, Quinn, please go all Carrie Underwood Before He Cheats on Finn's ass? kthnxbye.
Now on to St Berry.
I, like most in the fandom, have given up on trying to make sense of much that's on the show, especially when it comes to continuity. There's just no point... it's like screaming to a brick wall simply because when you fight, it's just mud-slinging. And I've come to just be at peace with seeing Jonathan have screen time on the show, especially when he's with Lea because those two, put together, are just explosive.
But it's just...frustrating to see a lack of...tightness I guess I should say? - between Jesse St James now and Jesse St James then. Maybe it's because Jesse St James fans have been expecting too much (Ok hey, we've waited way too long for her return... imaginations run wild, expectations build) but there's just something lacking there... but I'm trying not to think too much into it because it'll only make my head hurt. However, when fans start to decipher whether or not Jonathan's happy with the writing simply from an interview, I personally feel that it's taking things a bit too far simply because we just don't know. And I don't like hearing people say what they think Jonathan would feel, or what Jonathan meant when he said this or that. And the mud-slinging...aiyaiyai.
I know that last paragraph might step on a few St Berry fandom toes but it's just how I feel. Maybe it's blasphemous or whatever but yeah... I just... am not that emotional about this episode simply because I feel that we need to remember something. Jesse was from VA. And VA are self-proclaimed automotons. So that's just how he functions. You cannot simply expect a person to blend in to ND when all he's known is how to be an automoton. So maybe, just maybe, the writing does sort of make sense because slowly, but surely, Jesse St James is going somewhere and making improvements. He's far from perfect and we cannot expect him to simply be perfect immediately although granted, how much he's advanced in his personality is amazing compared to *coughHudsoncough*
For someone who didn't want to think too much about it, I had a lot to say. I'm sorry :(
Also, I just cannot like Finn Hudson and I cannot support Finchel. I'm sorry. A tweet I wrote this morning: "Yes Finn, because the show is called Finn Hudson and the Glee Kids".
So here's my theory about next week. We may or may not get Finchel. We may or may not get St Berry. I'm tired and I don't care and I am still hoping that Jesse gets a job in New York (cause duh! that's his motherland) and Rachel will eventually come back to him cause duh! that's where she belongs. What I can't get over is how the cast keeps saying all their "Dreams" will come true. Metaphorical dreams or sleep dreams? We don't know. But whatever it is, I only have one thing to say:
If you don't plan on having Jon Groff as regular, STOP MAKING HIM DO GLEE INTERVIEWS OUTSIDE THE SHOW'S PROMOS because he is so much better than that. Or if you need him to do them, make him do them with Lea. Because as much as I'd love to see more of Jon Groff, somehow this is not fair. :(