
Feb 23, 2008 13:34

Some graphics I made in the last month.
Yes, I am lazy.

And I'm already missing Prison Break *cries*
Yes, the last season wasn't that great, I didn't like it that much; but stil.. Michael Scofieeeld! *keeps crying*
(A LOT OF) Prison Break icons on the way, people.
In the meantime:

[32] Movies (Atonement, Harry Potter, E.T.)
[21] Music (My ( Read more... )

lost, harry potter, graphics, icons, placebo, eternal sunshine, stock

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sinfully_yours9 February 23 2008, 16:41:01 UTC
loooovely graphics!! ..kinda makes me wish i was into lost so i'd have a reason to save a few :p but i DID save a few of the MCR and stock. and the placebo wallpaper and header (: thank you very much!


bambinainnero February 23 2008, 17:22:11 UTC
Thank you for liking them!
And yes, you should watch Lost.
Don't know if you're into tv shows at all, but Lost is definitely one of the best American shows of the last 10 years :) *smooches JJ Abrams*

Thanks again!


sinfully_yours9 February 26 2008, 00:10:07 UTC
haha. oh i'm definitely into tv :p but you don't think it's too late to jump on the bandwagon?? i mean, i would have a terribly large amount to catch up on.. but if it's really worth it, i just may have to!!


bambinainnero February 26 2008, 10:43:59 UTC
Lol I was in the same situation.
Season 3 was airing and I had never watched a single episode, but everybody kept talking about Lost and how great it was, so I just had to catch up :P
I watched two seasons and a half in about 2 weeks so yeah, I'd say it's worth it lol


sinfully_yours9 February 28 2008, 01:24:02 UTC
welll, i think i may have to take your word for it and check it out!!! :p


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