
Feb 23, 2008 13:34

Some graphics I made in the last month.
Yes, I am lazy.

And I'm already missing Prison Break *cries*
Yes, the last season wasn't that great, I didn't like it that much; but stil.. Michael Scofieeeld! *keeps crying*
(A LOT OF) Prison Break icons on the way, people.
In the meantime:

[32] Movies (Atonement, Harry Potter, E.T.)
[21] Music (My ( Read more... )

lost, harry potter, graphics, icons, placebo, eternal sunshine, stock

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spooky_window February 23 2008, 15:07:49 UTC
O_O wow your work is amazing !! all your stock graphics are gorgeous, especially 2, 3, 4, 9, 19, and the 1st wallpaper =D
i also love the 2 first headers


bambinainnero February 23 2008, 15:11:41 UTC
wow, thanks!
I'm really glad you like them, since I loooove your graphics, too! :)


spooky_window February 23 2008, 15:30:23 UTC
lol it seems that we are fan of each other work ;)
btw i'm using you'r 1st stock wallpaper, thanx ♥♥♥


bambinainnero February 23 2008, 17:18:01 UTC
it's my current wallpaper as well lol
btw I've friended you, hope you don't mind^^


spooky_window February 23 2008, 17:24:06 UTC
*adds back*
yay for more stock addicted LJ friends ^^


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