Poopped day- but i made my own paper for the first time in textiles!

Jan 29, 2004 23:08

I keep getting up late and being really lazy and it's annoying me- i blame my alarm clock but i keep missing important stuff- though today i worked half the day at home and actually did work- I even bumped into emo and Ju- who's really down and all over the place at the moment, her brother has a baby and then the same day her nan past on it hard to watch cos there nothing i can really do except listen.
Then the wierd thing is we get this call saying our Grandma is getting even worse- asides from the fact shes missing a heel from gangreen cause by a bed sore in her old home, has proberly got stomach cancer but doesn't be tested because shes ready to die- oh and has M.R.S.A. I couldn't believe she would look worse until i saw after college, she is literally a bag of barely beathing bones- with added tubing. Everyone had already seen her and spent most of the afternoon there, so i offered to stay on with her till later in the evening just so someone is around, she didn't want much- just for me to turn on her overhead lamp and put her false teeth away and clean them- but nobody could have done that if i wasn't there, cos the morphine makes her so dopey and unable to string long sentenses together.
So i'm all down and tired which really sucks cos the gig is tomorro and things need to be organised.
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