this is gonna be an emo post seriously cause what am i doing in singapore?
time check ; 12.48am in Singapore right now.
and its .. 12/12/2010
yes, the day that BEAST has been waiting for .. for their first ever concert ~
boys, / doojoon oppa, hyunseung oppa, junhyung oppa, yoseob oppa, kikwang oppa, dongwoon oppa ~
it's gonna be in the history of B2ST & B2UTYs
you guys have been working hard for it, all those sleepless nights .. i dont think you guys have been eating well too. it's gonna pay off soon .. in a few hours time, you'll be on that stage, performing for the crowd.
Beast, you're gonna start this concert with all kind of surprises and end this with a BANG! for all of us to remember.
right now, i just want the concert to end fast so that you boys will have enough rest .. junhyung oppa can celebrate his birthday ^^ / and rest well to avoid any new injury .. prepare for christmas .. welcome the new year for the second time as a member of BEAST .. chill out with your families .. eat well .. sleep well .. get a day off from being an idol .. and then prepare for your debut in japan .. have a lot more ASIA tours ..
and we'll celebrate BEAST's second year anniversary .. and we'll celebrate more anniversaries of BEAST .. time is gonna fly so fast :(
i've never regretted being a B2UTY and i'll forever be one. and maybe .. i will just remain as a B2UTY?
/ i dont favour calling myself a fan of a group if i only like a member =__=
BEAST = joy + happiness in my life ^_^
concert is gonna start in less than 12 hours .. yes?
i hope all of you have a good sleep and rise early to prepare for tomorrow.
.. i heard, the boys will be in pairs for their 'couple' stage / its too difficult for solo stage
so .. yoseob tweeted a photo of kiwi break-dancing ~
there was a selca of g.na unni, doojoon and dongwoon together ..
that left us with .. junhyung and hyunseung .. / hehe you know what im thinking? xD
so ~ anyways,
BEAST, HWAITING! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
im so gonna tell my future kids that ive always been in ♥ with 6 wonderful boys.