Know this.....

Apr 23, 2009 13:15

"...and to KNOW this love that surpasses knowledge -- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."  (Ephesians 3.19, NIV)

To KNOW God's love. Wow. Hurts my head. Can't wrap my brain around it. Then, you add the word "knowledge" and it seems as if I am required to study & comprehend this love.  Which is where so many of us get stuck.  But, it's impossible. We can't understand it. It doesn't make sense that God would love us-- for we are ragamuffins.  Doesn't make sense that He would send His Son to pay the price for our frivolous & flippant choices.  Doesn't make sense that He would want to dwell with us, intimately.

But, the word KNOW here, translated in the Greek, means "to experience".  So, here goes:  "to EXPERIENCE this love that surpasses knowledge--"

Yes, I know the verses on God's love. Yes, I sing praise songs to Him about His love. But, until I actually EXPERIENCED HIS LOVE, my words were but a resounding gong.  A clanging cymbal.  I got it in my head (knowledge, as if from a book), but I didn't get it in my core being.  Now, realizing that His love never fails, that He is JEALOUS for me, that He is pursuing me constantly, that His love is inexplicable because He just IS love.....and living in this.....I KNOW this love that surpasses knowledge.

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