State Typing Champ

Mar 06, 2009 09:39

That's right.  1996 Alabama AISA State Typing Champion - Electric. And, to this day, proud of it! I just found the old trophy when I was at home recently. HI-LARIOUS! Made me often my self-confidence is gained through achievements or recognition or "atta girls".  I've lived my entire life waiting on these affirmations before I felt truly self-confident.

Shazam.  I'm so over the whole self-confident thing. I don't want to be confident in myself or my abilities. But confident in Christ. And Christ in me.  It's been really difficult for me over the past 6 months as the Lord is just pulling this out of me.  Mostly due to the pride that had built itself up in me -- and the judgmental attitude from the pride -- all tracing back to a self-confidence in my natural abilities and gifts. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT?  God has just been teaching me, as He taught Paul, that I should "never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." (Galatians 6.14, NIV)

So, as I've gotten older I've realized they don't give trophies such as "MOST LIKELY TO NOT CUSS SOMEONE OUT AT THE GROCERY STORE" or "MVP OF CHURCH CHOIR" or "BEST MODESTLY DRESSED".  My confidence is in Christ. Period. 
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