(no subject)

Nov 10, 2008 09:50

All I can say is THIS BOOK ROCKS!  It's going on my Dream Team recommended reading list for sure!  Here's what I'm learning:

-Compliance is simply following "the rules" of the Bible out of obligation or duty.  In expectation of a blessing from God or His favor on your life.
-Obedience is a natural overflow from a love relationship.  Wanting to serve God because I love Him so much.  And I see how much He loves me.

**OK, so I have lived my entire life out of "COMPLIANCE" to the Bible.  I'm very BLACK or WHITE in life.  It's either "Good" or "Bad".  "Right" or "Wrong".  There is no in between with me.  Therefore, I've been doing what the Bible says -- not stealing, committing adultery, trying to be generous, trying to reach the lost.  But, inevitably, every day, I FALL SHORT!  And this has been so hard for me -- wanting to "achieve" the great Christian walk.  Wanting to have all the right answers.  Wanting to "succeed".  But, here's the thing:  I can't "achieve" victory in the Christian life.  All I can do is RECEIVE it.  Through grace.

God doesn't want me focusing on "doing the right things".  He wants me focusing on HIM!  As our intimacy grows, the natural overflow will be trust and love -- allowing Him to fulfill His desires THROUGH me.

For the first time in my life I'm realizing that it really is NOT about me.  It's all about the Lord using me, working THROUGH me.  That He chooses to do this still blows my mind.  Because I know who I am -- a pile of dirt -- and He chooses to use me anyway.  Wow.  Humbling.  That I would step outside of my selfish pride, foolish desires, and mindless attempts to be something -- and that I would allow the Creator of this majestic universe to be at work in every fiber of my being.  That is my prayer -- that is my desire -- that is truly living!

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