Aug 23, 2005 14:55
So...I'm moving all my stuff to umass in about a week...and 12 days until I actually live there...crazyness. My sister's getting married in 11 days...geeze.
Said bye to Laura Saturday night...sigh :-( it sucked. I'm gonna miss her.
So yeah, I haven't really been doing much except for hanging out with my fam and a few other people that I know I'm really gonna miss.
Sunday was my parent's 34th was a good time, even though I was with them all day. We went to Texas Roadhouse and got them on the saddle haha it was funny. We all went to Toys R Us and my sister's fiance got me 2 xbox games for when I go to school...he's so cool. Came back and we all watched that moive Constantine. We used to all get together and watch a movie every Sunday, we hadn't done that in a really long time and it probably won't happen again for a while now that me and my sister are outta the, I dunno, it was kinda different this was just nice and I didn't mind being there with them.
Hung out with Jess yesterday, went to the high school and got the senior videos, talked to Powers and a few other was cool. Did some shopping at the plaza and then came back to my house and ate my mom's home cooked food, like we used to do every other day during the school year haha. I missed it. I can't believe she's leaving for fricken Vermont on Friday, it's fuckin five hours blows. We're like each other's support...if I don't get something, then she does and explains it to me, if she doesn't get something then I help her we're like each other's missing half, I don't know how I'm gonna survive with out her. blah :-(
Later on, I went back to the plaza with my mom and my sister. Did lots of clothes shopping. Combined they spent around 200 bucks on me at Aero and Express, which is pretty good considering all the stuff that I got, I was pretty damn excited, and my outfits are wicked cool. I swear, like the closer it gets to moving day, the more money they spend on you lol. I'm not complaing though :-)
Ran into Talia and Jocie too :-) love them both!
Then later on, I went to the movies with Casey, Jocie, Tayla and a ton of other people. Saw Wedding was ssooo good! I loved it :-)
so yeaah, since I'm still bored...I'm throwing this into the mix...haha
have you ___________ this summer 2005? SURVEY
had a party? Yeah
gone to a party? Yeah
spent the night with someone? A lot of someone's
laughed until your stomach hurt? Yeah
laughed until you almost peed your pants? Mmmhmm
gone on a vacation? This is the first summer EVERRR that I didn't go away on vacation because of college and the wedding
tanned? Well, I only went to the beach twice, and didn't get, I had to use a tanning booth haha...does that count?
went to a camp? Camping grounds?
swam? Yeah
went to the movies? Saw a few
gone shopping? like 3-4 times a week
Had a job? Two
gotten freakishly bored? Yeah
have you gotten sun burned yet? A little
been outside during a lightning storm? Yeap
Been to another state? 3...New Hampshire, Maine and Connecticut...but ME and CT were by accident...hahaha
been to another country? Nope
changed someting about your appearance? I have a mohawk...but I'm getting it cut either today or tomorrow :-(
been to the the hospital with an injury? Nope
commited a crime/broken the law? Yeah
gone on a road trip? Not really
had a g/f or b/f? Love's for Losers
dumped a g/f or b/f? No
been to a concert? Nope
Been in trouble with the cops/parents? Yeap
had a memorable moment? Lots
had a horrible moment? Kinda
made new friends? Tina, Kerry, Tom and a bunch of other people from ZooMass!
missed a friend? Definitely
Slept under the stars?!
thought about school? Every single day, I just can't wait to leave!
been to the beach? Yeah
thought about a special someone? Uhh not really anyone TOO special
Okay, well I hope you were entertained enough haha