Tam's Queer Guide to the Edmonton 2010 Fringe

Aug 16, 2010 02:38

My best attempt at listing the plays with queer content at this year's Edmonton Fringe Festival. Did I miss any?

Guys in Disguise's lesbian vampire romp. Darrin Hagen, Davina Stewart, Trevor Schimdt and Dana Anderson.

Queens in 3D
Guys in Disguise Classics series.

BASH'd : A Gay Rap Opera
Starring: FEMINEM & T-BAG. The BASH'd boys return to Edmonton for the first time since their Off-Broadway run.

F***ing Stephen Harper: How I Assaulted the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada and Saved Democracy
"Rob Salerno, a regular contributor to Xtra, was assigned to interview the leaders of the federal political parties in advance of the 2008 election. But in the course of securing an interview with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Salerno was arrested for sexually assaulting the PM."

The Brown Girl in the Ring
OTTAWA-Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, is very surprised to announce that Her Majesty Queen Regina II will visit Alberta and British Columbia in 2010.
The visit will take place from July 24 to September 19, and will include stops at Edmonton and Vancouver Fringe Festivals where Her Majesty is expected to inaugurate a special Command Performance of a rarely performed work - The Brown Girl in the Ring.

"KWE'RE started exactly one year ago when Elena Belyea interviewed 14 queer-identified women, born and raised, either here in Alberta or in Virginia. Since then, it's evolved with the help of fellow actors Lianna Makuch and Marlee Yule, designer Erin Gruber, and physical dramaturge Gianna Vacirca. The final product contains a collision of appropriated texts, videos, sound recordings, images, and poetry designed to be heartbreaking, romantic, funny, playful-- a punch in the goddamn face. Come on out and be a part of it!"

Bad Connections

Dying City
"a complex character study of personalities in the red and blue states of the US. Using one actor as opposing twin brothers, one of which is gay, the story showcases people's individual points of view after being raised in a conservative family."

Unnatural Selection or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Chicken-Milk Bomb
"Caleb, Fergus and Brad are roommates and best friends at a bible college in rural Saskatchewan. When Caleb and Fergus are accused of being gay, Brad, who actually is gay, openly confronts the tension between his sexuality and his religion. As each of them struggles to come to terms with Brad's revelation, he must reconcile his faith with both heart and mind."

Schedules and tickets: www.tickets.fringetheatre.ca

queer, theatre, edmonton

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