"your love grows in me like a tumour"?

May 07, 2010 01:03

I’ve already told most people via text or Facebook, but here goes.

Remember how I said it was weird how my doctor seemed to really want to see me? Well I was right. Something major is going on.

My doctor thinks I have a brain tumour.

Like, for real. Actually. A tumour. But it is not cancerous! That’s the important thing. He very specifically said to me “you will not die or anything”. He was clear on that.

This thing has been pressing on my pituitary gland, stopping it from producing a bunch of really, really important stuff. Like all my body’s male and female hormones and steroids. Stuff like blood pressure, growth, thyroid, temperature, sex etc are controlled by it.

My steroid levels are ridiculously low, as is my estrogen. He was shocked that my reproductive system is working at all anymore considering how low my estrogen is. Which is weird because those things seem fine, like emotions-wise.

He says we will not have to do surgery and can treat it with medications. He really thinks I should be fine.

I will be getting one more blood test tomorrow, then start steroids, then get an MRI of my brain, then the tumour shrinking medication and then an endocrinologist. It still has to be confirmed, but he’s pretty sure about all of this.

And because this is the worst week ever, I found out yesterday that Xena is probably dying of liver failure. Fantastic. We’ll know for sure tomorrow.

Plus I woke up from a crappy nap to find out that new gay bar secretly opened tonight and my friends had gone but I slept through the invite.

So annoyed.


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