May 26, 2009 22:57
Today, in snippets:
Prop 8 was upheld by a majority court in California. Fuck you guys.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer may be returning the screen. But without Sarah Michelle Gellar or Joss Whedon. Or anyone else who was involved in the original. What a terrible and useless idea.
Mike Tyson’s 4 year old daughter has died. And that is really very sad. And not something to be made light of. But her name is ‘Exodus’. Come on! Also, she somehow died from falling on a treadmill cord. I just don’t get it. If Tyson hadn’t been in another state, I’d really be pointing a finger thataway.
Owen Pallet (Final Fantasy) interviewing the members of Grizzly Bear on MTV is most definitely the gayest thing I have ever seen. That was a lot of lisping and homosexual indie pop.
The cannibalistic Greyhound decapitator may be released into the general population and Manitoba regulations mean the public won’t even be told. Wtf?
At the last minute Lindsay Blackett introduced some amendments to Bill 44 and the so-called ‘parental choice’ crap that made it somewhat more palatable. But one has the wonder, why at the eleventh hour? Why bother now that so much of the nasty meat has been removed from the bill? And why the hell is anyone trying to enshrine this crap into human rights legislation anyway?
Michelle Jean, our Governor General, sure is on tv butchering a seal and eating it’s heart. My god. This really was a no-win situation as it was part of a traditional Iniut ceremony and if she had refused, I’m sure flack would have been huge in response to that. But damn. Not exactly a fantastic decision.
One of the members of Metric sent me back a nice e-mail in response to one I sent them a while ago. I’m not sure which member, but it doesn’t matter. It was really nice and I’m pleased. And apparently whenever my deluxe package does get here, they’ve included a signed poster into all of them to make up for the wait. Wee!