Aug 02, 2004 00:39
Grr. Anywhoo...
I went to see The Village again tonight, this time with Robert. And this time I looked at the reflection in the medicine cabinet when the park ranger is stealing medicine and the guy that is supposedly his boss (whose face they never show) is M. Night himself. OMA. I didn't even notice that the first time. He's pulling a total Hitchcock, showing up in his own movie like that. I wonder if he did that for any of his other movies? The man's a genius and one of my favorite directors so I really don't care if any of you think that the movie is stupid. It was amazing.
Work tomorrow. Not fun. Only four more work days though...that's kind of bad in a way considering the fact that I am broke. And my rents giving me any kind of money is completly out of the question considering that they hate me so. Or hate fun activities that cost money. Oh well. I can't wait to get up to Tuscaloosa and get another job...hopefully at AE because then I would get a discount on clothes. Or Express. Either one works.
I can't wait for college to start. I'm uber-sad about leaving everyone but I just really want to start LEARNING again. I know I'm not the smartest person and that I don't get the best grades in the world, but I always learn so much and just ENJOY being in class. And I think that that is more important.
Robert was supposed to leave the same day as he leaves before me. :( How difficult. I don't want him to go...why can't all the people I care about just go to the same college? That would be really nifty and a lot less painful.
A paragraph from the book I'm reading called Autobiography of a Fat Bride. The author is reminiscing about a Halloween adventure:
"My friend Jamie came to my party as a witch anyway, and my other friend, Kassie, came in a rhinestone-cowboy outfit, mainly because her father owned horses and she rode in competitions. Sine I had bet all my options on the Sister Sledge theme, I had to come up with something quick, or my mom would throw a Hefty bag over my head and make me go as trash
"What am I going to be?" I whined going through my closet.
My mother grabbed a pencil and a spiral notebook adn handed it to me. "Just be Anne Frank again," she said as I sulked.
"I was Anne Frank last year!" I whined.
"It's Anne Frank or the trash bag," my mother offered. "That little girl stayed in the attic for a long time; you can be her for two years in a row!"
I thought it was funny anyhow. The entire book is wonderful if you ask me and a good break from the smutty Irish tales our group of friends have been passing around. I really want to get The Lovely Bones back. I love that book.