Dear Susie,
First off, if you had even bothered to READ my last entry, I made not a one personal attack on Jason. I addressed the issues he brought up in a civil manner. When I addressed the family issue it was a paragraph of facts and opinions. If you don't like those opinions well then tough. When I addressed the issue of Christianity and priniciples followed by said Christians, I didn't even mention Jason's personal faith or whether or not he himself follows those teachings.
Jason asked what I was defending and I told him what I was defending. The what are you defending was a comment addressed to all readers. If you defend an arguement where the person just comes out and is like "Well being gay is wrong and I don't like those kinds of folks and they shouldn't get to adopt or shouldn't get married and blah blah blah.." well then that is a form of hate and persecution. I'm sorry, but it is.
My entire entry was a general statement to the PUBLIC in response to Jason's statement to the PUBLIC. Nothing was addressed specifically to him except the very last line which simply said I was shocked at his attitude.
So I will be damned if I let you Susie insult me and my "wrongful" lifestyle. You have no right to judge me and my actions. You have no idea what goes on in my personal life. If you want to go on and defend your boyfriend's bigotry, be my guest. But defend the issue...don't make personal attacks.
To read Susie's journal click below. To read my original post clicky here. And to read Jason's post just click. Yeah, really fucking funny comic Jason. *rolls eyes*