Dec 23, 2006 03:19
Battered and bruised by many-a snarling AP exam, our hero limps to the crest of the first semester peak, waving aloft his scarred sword in a gesture of ecstasy and victory. He shouts aloud, his voice resounding through the mountainous regions, amplified by the sheer face of the rock, "I have fought through perils and treacheries most of you can only imagine, and have emerged...
Oh, wrong movie.
But really, I did finish my exams today. Winter break has officiously begun. And that makes me thankful for so many things. Namely the fact that the Lord has brought me safely through another semester of my life, and nearly though the year of 2006.
It's amazing. This time last year I was still pretty much numb from the move. My Father has worked in ways too awesome for my mind to comprehend, and I've somehow been brought out of this experience strengthened in ways I never would have pondered.
Lately, this strengthening has come though a couple of really close friends who I've been able to share some struggles with, and I think we're all benefiting from it in ways I couldn't have understood until I decided to share my struggles with others. Guys, Paul wasn't kidding when he commanded us to bear one another's burdens. And this command wasn't just for us to have another law to keep, but so that we might not be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
Perhaps He's given you a light load. Pick up some of someone else's. Perhaps He's given you a heavier load. Allow someone to bear some of it with you. Sometimes it's harder to receive help than to give it. Sometimes we think we're something, and forget just how much help we really need.
But, whatever load you may have to bear, know that it is ultimately bearable! And often the way in which it is made bearable is by allowing others to share the burden.
Confess your sins each another!
Pray for each other!
Never grow weary in doing good!