Young Men's Leadership Camp 2006: An Overview

Aug 10, 2006 00:10

"Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth..." -Ecclesiates 12:1

That verse, and the hymn "Lord, Speak to Me", were somewhat the theme of camp this year. Bit of a generic theme, but the classes were better than anything I've been in. They were as follows (in schedule order):

1. God's Plan for Man- Ken Craig
If any of you have heard brother Craig's "Scheme of Redemption" material, this is the same thing in a 5 day format. Not alot of "new" material here, but things I certainly don't know well enough to present to others yet.

2. 2 Corinthians- Gary Fisher
This was probably my very favorite class. If any of you have never met Mr. Fisher, he is an awesome teacher and an incredibly uplifting individual. It's easily the fastest paced and most scripture-packed class I've ever been in. I have a whole new appreciation for the work Paul did in Corith and his incredible devotion to the Work and to the glory of God. It makes me feel so inadequate. And makes me want to do so much better.

3. Proverbs- Gerry Sandusky
An incredibly pracical class taught by an incredibly practical guy. He never got a high school education, but is such an excellent teacher from experience and passion. He taught one chapter of Proverbs a day, so we only covered chapters 1-5, but there's enough in there to keep you occupied for a lifetime. Literally.

-Then , before lunch, we had 5 different speakers (one each day) come and speak to us about the Work in their respective countries. They are as follows:
--David Maxson- China
--Jeremy Paschal- Moldova (right next to Ukraine)
--Gerry Sandusky- Africa (usually the southern countries)
--Bobby Graham- Belize (Central America)
--Danny Haynes- Israel
-Alot of guys, including myself, were seriously considering making some kind of arrangments to visit some of these Works, but an excellent point was made: If you want to spread the Gospel in foreign lands, you've got to be willing to start in your own backyard with your friends and neighbors.

Then Lunch. Good RYC food.

Then sports for 2 hours. Utimate frisbee was a favorite.

4.Psalms- Paul Earnhart
So yes, it's rather impossible to cover the Psalms in 5 classes. But we did gather some great lessons on the general nature of the Psalms and how they fall into catagories based on topic, purpose, and author. Great material.

5.Public Speaking- Guy Warner
This guy also happens to be the public speaking teacher and forensics coach at FC. We all got to prepare a 3 minute talk for the end of the week. Mine was an adaptation of the boredom post, utilizing the catch phrase: "Don't be Bored, Serve the Lord!"

6.Leading in Worship- Sewell Hall
Ah, brother Sewell. Many of you know the impact the Halls have had as far as starting new congregations and building up bretheren. This camp is no different. This class was full of insightful instruction on how to effectively lead in song, prayer, the Lord's supper, and scripture reading. Alot of stuff came up that I had never thought about before... I guess that's what they call learning, eh?

And all that is not even counting the devotionals, singings, cabin devotionals, and question and answer sessions that went on all throughout the week.

This week left me wanting to do so much better in the service of God. And now the time has come for the great challenge of every camp all summer:


"...preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction." -2 Timothy 4:2

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