Dec 16, 2004 14:24
another reason to tack on to why i dont want to live at home during college.
i left the house about 11:30 and went to joshs to get something to eat, because there isnt anything here. his mom and sister were at his house too. we ate hotdogs and watched some of Dodgeball. then jan calls wanting to know where i am, so i tell her where i am and why. she says, did you ask your dad? i say no, because i didnt think about it. i was sleepy and hungry, but that i am about to head home now (1:47 pm), considering i have to be at work at 4. on my way home dad calls and says why did you leave the house and not call anyone? because i didnt think about it. he says: well i hope that being on restriction this weekend will make you think about it.
i cant take it. if i was going out to get drunk, if i was sneaking out to go smoke some marijuana, if i was going out to do anything like that, yeah i could see getting upset. but to find out where i was, all they had to do was call, i was safe. i just forgot to call. they want me to live at home during college, but if these are going to be the rules im living under, i need to live somewhere else. i dont want to do anything bad, i just want to be able to go get something to eat without getting in trouble.
its just the weekend, but still.