
Jun 13, 2005 11:51

Three names you go by:
1. heather
2. heaher hall
3. heather halla
Three screen names you have had:
1. ballerinababe101
2. dancegirl2319
3. dancinshorti234
Three physical things you like about yourself:
1. hair
2. freckles
3. Mi HeIgHtH
Three physical things you hate about yourself:
1. feeT
2. brAcEs
3. NuThIn ElSe RllY
Three things that scare you:
1. ScArY MoViEs
2. RoLLeR CoAsTeRs
3. PiTcH BlAcK
Three of your everyday essentials:
1. ClOtHeS
2. FooD
3. DrInK
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. DaNcE AcAdEmY ShiRt LoL
2. CoZy PaNtS
3. BlInG BlInG AnKlEt
Three musical artist or bands:
1. MaRooN 5!!!!!
2. SiMpLe PlaN
3. KeLLy ClaRkSoN
Three things I want in a relationship:
1. KiSSeS
2. HoNeStY
3. 4 Me 2 B aBlE To b MiSeLf RoUnD HiM
Two truths and one lie:
1. I LuV To DaNcE
2. I CaN Do A BaCkHaNdSpRiNg
3. I LUV MaROOn 5!
Three things about the opposite sex that appeals to you:
1. PeRsOnAlItY
2. AbS!!
3. EyEs!
Three favorite hobbies:
1. DaNcInG!!!
2. ShOppInG!!
3. TaLkInG!!
Three things you want to do badly right now:
1. WaTcH NaPoLeAn DyNaMiTe
2. Dance LiKe No 1 Is WaTcHiN
3. EaT SwEEdIsH FiSh!
Three places to go on a vacation:
1. IrElAnD
2. BaHaMaS!
3. NeW YoRk!!
Three kids names you really like:
1. LeXi
2. WhITnEy
3. KaThErInE
Three things you want to do before you die:
1. DrInK a HoLe CoKe
2. RiDe A ScArY RoLLerCoAsTeR
3. DaNcE FoR a FoMoUs BaLLeT CoMpAnY
Three people you want to take this survey:
1. KaYlEE
2. MaRy< BuT ShEs AlReaDy DoNe It>
3. MeRe F

** I DiD It MaRy So YaH!! LoL! U Need To CuM To Tha BeaCh WiTh Me ThaT WoUlD B SoOooOOOo MuCh FuN!!**

CoMMeNt YaLL!!
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