I absolutely HATE drama !!! my gosh!!!...i swear i think people dont have a life cause are they want to do is SCREW urs up!!!...my life isnt perfect either and people like _______ dont help it any!!!>...if u WANNA crack about my weight then say it to my FACE..and stop being such a freaking A*hole and saying it over the internet!!!!...I SWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....people need to go to church and they need to figure out that GOD himself created you exactly how he wants u and u OUGHT to stay that way!!!!!!!!!!! go sit aned SCREW ur on SELF and leave me the HECK alone!!!!....PEOPLE...there is a lil hand thing that u need to learn if u wanna crack....(heres the church heres the steple open the door see all the people..!!) if u dont see ur self in that church u need to find a way and GET there!!! cause im not going to be put down and stomped over someone who doesnt go to a church cause if u do then u would hate on other peoples lives.....GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESSYOU for those that havent yet been blessed by the lord!!!