Nov 05, 2006 18:57
It is colder in Tuscaloosa now, and I am really wanting that L.L. Bean jacket I've asked my parents to get me for Christmas. Partly because there is a dirty spot on my white jacket (that is old and will be retired when I get the new one) and partly because hoodies aren't that great in the rain, which we've had a lot of this week.
I need a topic for my next music history paper (my LAST music history paper! for my LAST music history class!) - it has to be about a work from the 20th century. That is the only stipulation although it needs to be significant (I have to write 5-7 pages) and she prefers the non-American types. There is plenty of good 20th century American music though, so I would feel justified in writing about that. If anyone has ideas, I would love to hear them.
My next honors paper (the 10 fat pages one) is going to be about the rise of black churches post-Civil War. Well, that is, unless she decides that this did not actually happen, like my last paper topic. But I have a stack of 7 books relating to this topic that I am planning on using so I'm hoping for the best. I have been reading for honors all afternoon - we are reading Confederates in the Attic which is a very entertaining read by a journalist who tracks Civil War sites around the South. But the chapter we're reading for Tuesday is 73 pages long, which is a little much. If you like Bill Bryson (A Walk In the Woods) you would like this guy, Tony Horwitz.
Tonight I need to find references for my music therapy maxi project (this week will be called "The Week Susannah needs to do sufficient planning for all the end-of-term papers in order to survive till Christmas") I also need to practice (or as Dr. E said "obsess") about piano this week. It is not in my nature to obsess about things, so we'll see how that goes. I have decided that if the piano faculty (or music faculty in general) were more decidedly Christian (the Episcopalean Satanist of a piano teacher I had the past two years definitely does not qualify as Christian) then they would be a little more laid back in the music realm and realize it has no eternal value the way they are presenting it to students. It is difficult to be eternally minded when your teacher wants you to obsess about the placement of your pinky finger and making sure your knuckles aren't collapsing. This is the point at which I say, "I hate piano and all that it stands for and refuse to become a good musician because they are all too hung up on perfection." Remind me to never become a piano teacher.
I am wearing my Disney tie-dye princess shirt which I have not worn in months, and it makes me quite happy. I talked to my granny on the phone this evening, that was nice. I need to call my parents sometime.
Tonight Heather and I are going to Calvary to watch the Invisible Children documentary, I'm quite interested in seeing it.
I think that is all my news. Have a happy week. I'm already excited about next weekend b/c it's an away game (LSU boo) and I am staying on-campus so it will be very chill. This season has been so depressing. Hooray for basketball.