Jan 20, 2006 20:33
Work ex was this week
I loved it :)
Loads of mad stuff happend.
ian kept shouting dirty at me for the last 3 days.
i got to use walkie talkies
and mark and ian spent the whole time taking the piss out of claires voice.
poor girl.
but marks in hospital because he got to drunk and got a head injury.
and everyone was pure hungover today.
i just laughed at them.
i got chatted up by a 30 year old.
why do i always attracted old guys?
old ugly guys?
old ugly guys who look like they can only get sex from a sunny d bottle?
I want a young guy
thanks :)
but yeah there was a shop lifter aswell
got a free cd:)
because they love me haha!
Kates party tonight<3