Title: My Queen, My King
Pairing/Character: Merlin/Morgana
Rating: G
Warnings: Uh, slightly more-than-implied-Dark!Merlin?
Prompt: Exposed
Link to Table?
Right hereSummary: Morgana knows, as she sits upon her throne, that her facade is over, that she is exposed
A/N: 297 words! So when I started writing this I had the idea rattling around in my head, and then I wrote it and this happened and it's totally not where I had intended it to go.
This was it.
The end of the lying, the sneaking. The end of the fake smiles and the laughs. The end of carefully picking her words, stringing them together in a way that would convince them all of her loyalty.
As she sat upon her throne, Uther forced to his knees in front of her, she was exposed. The fake, loving shell stripped away to reveal the cold, hardened interior that was now the Lady Morgana.
The crown fit perfectly, as if it were always intended for her, the symbol of the end of confident, compassionate Morgana le Fay, and the beginning of Morgana Pendragon, who so longed for revenge that it set fire to her skin and consumed her entire being until she was nearly blinded with rage.
With a lazy wave of her hand, she ordered Uther to be taken down to the cells and the audience left at another firm order. She sat with a smug satisfaction, though with it brought some hesitation; her true intentions had been revealed to the entire kingdom, her hate and revenge thoroughly exposed. They knew, they all knew. It was over.
The polished wood of her throne and the cool metal touch of the crown drowned those thoughts. Those thoughts didn't matter anymore; she was Queen.
“What now My Queen?” the voice to her immediate right asked.
She smirked and turned her head, drinking in Merlin dressed his fine clothes, the ones she had specially made for this very moment. They were such an improvement from those drab servant clothes he had to wear while keeping up his pretense. She stood, taking his chin roughly in her hand, her smile widening, no longer a vengeful smirk, but a true Morgana smile.
“Now, My King, we celebrate.”