May 04, 2005 20:52
today was a really fun day.. i got there and blah blah blah, lets see today i got:
-a vizer and purse w. tinkerbell from katherine
-a cute little stuffed pupy with some ASOME apple pie(which im still eating little by little cuz i dont want it to disapear) from mitzy (ohh and i named the dog goose, zasha helped me!)
-a hug,a twist, and a million laughs from mateo
-10 bucks from zasha
-the cutest sandles from connie!
-an awsomely decorated card from nicole
-a card from mel
-and some bbq sauce with a card from tony romas people
-and the best one of them all, randy and i are going to have sex...and he helped decorate the letter from nicole
today was alot of fun, the best part was wen mel mateo and i went to rotelli, dude if those two had their own reality seris, it would be the most succesfull show in the history of forever!!! they were arguing and stuff, i was just there crying of laughter, oh man those two made my day the best!!and mateo wore the vizer(light purple with tinkerbell on it) now that was just the cherry on top of the ice cream, and then we went to drop of this kid, and then we went back to mels house, and i took the best nap ever! then my mom picked me up, and i totally forgot that we were going to go out to eat, and i wasnt going to tell her i already had pizza, so yea i had ribs, right now im am fucking stuffed!well, we just got home, and im here, bored, but today was a really good day,oh and sokmething really funny...
*mel and me eating pizze like pigs*
mateo-you guys are fucking animals, ur already an like you 6th pizza and i havent even finish my first one!
mel- yea man, we are "tanks for life"*does ghetto signs*
mateoyou guys are fucking WARHEADS is wat you are!
we laugh...alot..
mateo looks at mel-doyou even know wat a warhead is???!
mateo-then why are you laughing??!
mel-i dont know..cause...
lmao and alot of other moments that were fucking unforgettable!!!<33