Sep 05, 2004 00:06
STUPID HURRICANE FRANCES! I was so looking forward to going back home. I wanted to see everyone. Plus, I'd rather be with my family and material stuff (and of course A.Z.) so I can protect everything. I hope nothing happens to my house. I feel pretty safe here. Gainesville isn't in the direct path of the hurricane so that's good. Plus, the school buildings are brick and were made back in the day when the standards were really high for hurricane safety. I just hope the power doesn't go out because I'm going to be bored than and it will be pitch black because we will be in the hallways where there are no windows or any other external light sources. N-e-way I'm just so mad at this hurricane. Of course it had to be on labor day weekend when we already have monday off from school so it's not like we miss much. We had friday off, but that was no biggy. It was have been nice if the hurricane hit next week instead of now so we were have two more extra days off (friday and monday of nest week), plus have the labor day weekend like we were suppose too. Man, I had really wanted to go home. It seems like it wasn't meant to be. Had I gone home, who knows if I would have been able to see everyone I wanted anyhow. Even so, it's not like what I wanted to happen could of because of my lovely little friend paying me a visit (girls you know what that is). Whatever. I'll deal with that, as long as everyone survives through this hurricane. I pray all the people I care about are safe and don't lose anything. One more thing that has me annoyed is that shelters (most) don't allow pets. I would never leave my animals at home. If Heffer were alive right now, there is no way I would ever leave my house without him being protected. I understand that people have allergies, but they could separate rooms or they should have just as many pet friendly shelters available as non-pet friendly ones. The animals would be in crates or cages anyway. So yeah, I think that is such an injustice to the animals.
So yeah, I decided to stay back at my dorm for when the hurricane comes. I thought I'd be hanging out with the people on my floor (the few that decided to stay). Well, I guess I was wrong. I don't need to hang out with people that don't want me around. I hate always going to them. I feel like a bother and I don't know when I really am wanted or not. Lately, I have just been getting this vibe from like everyone that they would rather not hang out with me if they had the option. I don't really think Cameron and Audra like me much anymore. today they were all raving at trying to get Sheryl to stay here tonight and wanted to talk to her, but they couldn't have cared less about me. If they did, they would have gotten me by now. Even with Kelly, Sheryl, and Luis I feel like I'm a bother. I mean when people are having conversations right in front of you but are whispering or covering words you know it's because they don't want you there for that part. Why start talking in front of me than? I'm not that stupid to not realize what you are talking about. I know it is never stuff about me, it's private stuff about them. I just feel it's rude to do that in front of someone u know. I was just looking forward to coming back. Get a fresh feeling of being wanted again. =0(