just some stupid shit...

Mar 14, 2008 14:31

Pop Pea : hello, my name is Pop pea...I saw your myspace...and I think you are very interesting. I would like to know if you would like to get together sometime
Pop Pea :and like hang out or make out
Snap Pea: I would really be more interested in making out
Pop Pea : thats my hope as well!
Snap Pea: A/S/L
Pop Pea : im 12 years old, im a meat popsicle, and i live in gangsta city USA...
Snap Pea: ooo soundz sexi
Snap Pea: where is gangsta city?
Pop Pea : Oakland!
Snap Pea: ooo thug lyfe baby
Snap Pea: stats pls?
Snap Pea: so..
Pop Pea : im 3'4 in height, im ripped in muscles
Snap Pea: i love meat posicles
Snap Pea: especially if itz icy
Pop Pea : i think we should meet tonight
Pop Pea : and do the naughty
Pop Pea : how does that sound?
Pop Pea : you can melt my popsicle
Snap Pea: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohh yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhh
Snap Pea: do you want to knw what i look like?
Snap Pea: or do you even care?
Pop Pea : i dont care
Pop Pea : looks dont matter
Pop Pea : only skill
Snap Pea: oh I got an A+ in Sex Ed
Pop Pea : ooooh thats what i like to hear
Snap Pea: its like a christmas story when the teacher kept writing A +++++++++++
Snap Pea: it was like dat
Pop Pea : wow
Pop Pea : so tonight then?
Pop Pea : around 8?
Snap Pea: mmm yeah cause 8 is forevur
Snap Pea: Mmmm
Snap Pea: im so hot
Snap Pea: mmm
Snap Pea: lol
Pop Pea : lol
Pop Pea : well maam, i would like to inform you that you have been caught
Pop Pea : The feds are on their way to your work place to take you in
Pop Pea : you have been chatting and planning to meet a minor
Pop Pea : and this was all a scam to catch perverts such as yourself
Pop Pea : please do not try to run
Pop Pea : or we will throw young suple kids in your path
Snap Pea: oh shit
Snap Pea: but you didnt let me give you my age?
Pop Pea : who cares
Pop Pea : we know that already
Snap Pea: no i am only 8
Snap Pea: 8 is foreverf
Pop Pea : lol
Snap Pea: so are you single?
Pop Pea : maybe
Pop Pea : but that doesnt matter
Snap Pea: yes it does mr. police man
Pop Pea : well dont tell the others, but im kinda into the young ladies
Snap Pea: well im 8
Pop Pea : thats a little too old for me
Pop Pea : but thanks
Pop Pea : i like mine still crawling
Pop Pea : can you crawl
Pop Pea : and will you put a bib on
Pop Pea : and diaper?
Snap Pea: yes its a fetish of mine actually
Pop Pea : nice
Pop Pea : we both can make this work
Snap Pea: great
Pop Pea : you have to throw in a few gooo gooo's and a few gaaa gaaa's is that ok?
Snap Pea: oh yeah
Snap Pea: plus i have that dwarf syndrome
Snap Pea: where I dont grow to big
Snap Pea: so im about the size of a baby
Pop Pea : nice, i can rock you in my cradle
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