Feb 21, 2008 10:35
Bryon: so how are you today cris?
Bryon: you miss me?
Bryon: you miss my sexy body?
Bryon: i oiled it up for you
Bryon: im all oily
Bryon: and sexy
Bryon: and hot
Bryon: its so hot
Bryon: im rubbin ma boday
cristina: mmmm
Bryon: just for you
cristina: Im imagining you doing that
Bryon: the oil is butter
Bryon: its delicous butta
cristina: like on top of a cubicle
Bryon: you can make toast on ma hot boday
cristina: haha
cristina: wow
Bryon: you love it
cristina: i do
cristina: hot butter
cristina: dripping off of you like water
cristina: and all in your hair
cristina: and you shake your hair
Bryon: haha
cristina: and it goes all over everyones faces
cristina: and then they pull out unbuttered popcorn
cristina: and rub the kernals on your nipples
Bryon: oooh thats nice
Bryon: i like that
Bryon: pop
Bryon: pop
Bryon: i hear em poppin
Bryon: ooh they taste so warm and buttery
cristina: yeah and they pop into butered popcorn
cristina: mmmm
cristina: oh yeah