sunday reds

May 20, 2002 01:28

well today had a nice balance of pleasure and boredom, i woke up and breakfast at tiffany's was on, which was lovely cause i'd been having an audrey craving for a while. Then i painted, and today's conditions were my favorite for painting: rainy, cold, with satie or some lovely 19th century peice swooning over the turpentine fumes...there is something about working in the heat that makes painting absolutly miserable. I don't know if its the oil, or the permeation of flammable fumes, but its quite a misery...but when the air is crisp, like it was today thanks to the twelve hour rain we had yesterday, it is glorious, and one can take pleasure in every brushstroke.
its more zen i guess.
then i took a nap, and woke up and watch the revamped house on haunted hill. i liked it a great deal. i like the rorashack maybe you people will believe me when i say you need to keep your chi happy
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