Aug 20, 2007 13:26
Sometimes I feel really out of place at home. Kind of like I've lost contact with all of my friends and I have nothing to do.
Mom took my wallet when I was away to Buffalo Friday and Saturday and used it to fill up her car. $30.07 of MY money for HER car. It's easy to say that I'm quite pissed.
Me: Why did you do that?!
Mom: ..Well, you want to go say goodbye to your friends anyway right?
Me: ...Well, now I'm going to aren't I?!
I need to go out. Every night this week. And use the gas I paid for without my knowledge or permission. But when I was thinking of who to hang out with...I drew a blank. Who wants to hang out with me? I'm seriously pathetic.
PLUS, I'm going to have to be forking over another $100 to my grandpa for gas for him to drive his truck out to Naz on Saturday with my crap in it. And coincidentally, my mother has yet to pay a freaking dime for ANYTHING related to school. My dad bought my camera and school supplies, I bought everything else.
So, I'M BROKE!!!!! ><
..and I haven't even gotten around to buying my fucking books yet.