Jul 12, 2004 16:50
I can say that because I grew up here.
Shane is working on getting out of the Army. Meanwhile, Averie and I are up here in New jersey looking for houses and a job. I've been here only a week and already I want to leave and come back only for visits to see my family and friends. However, my husband has it in his head that this is where we will get our best start in civilian life. I think I will ask him if he is smoking crack!
The following is in no specific order.
The roads are horrible.
The drivers...even worse.
The price of anything...way more than anyone should have to pay.
I can't pump my own gas and get hollered at or glared at everytime I forget and try to.
They don't bag your groceries here. They stare at you and ask, "Are you going to take your stuff or what?" (While I'm holding a squirming, screaming, sleepy, cranky Averie and my purse in my arms.)
Just about everyone is rude as hell and make you feel that you are not good/cool/wealthy/pretty/skinny, etc. enough to even be in their presence.(disclaimer: there are a few exceptions to the rule)
There are so many things that I could go on about that you'd be reading for days. So I will spare you the rest of the details and leave it to your own imagination.
So how is everyone anyway?