Feb 10, 2003 14:08

This weekend Shane's parents' and grand father came down to see us. We(I) got lucky because Shane had CQ on Friday night so he was off all day Saturday and then his whole unit had off Sunday. Had he not worked all night on CQ Friday night, I would have had to stave off the urge to commit murder on Saturday all by myself. In other words, I would have been with his parents' and grandfather all day by myself. Being with just one of them for a few hours is bad enough, but all day...? Just thank God Shane was home with me.

Anyhoo! We did our taxes and got $200.00 LESS than we got back last year. And here it is, Monday afternoon, and ALL the money is ALL spent. Not just on frivolous stuff. We bought Averie Melissa (WE ARE HAVING A LIL GRRRL!!!) her crib. We also bought a digital video camera so that while Shane is gone over seas I can send him videos of our daughter. With the last of the money we split it between us so that we could buy each other Valentine's Day gifts. A first in our relationship. We have never spent a Valentine's Day together in our 4 year history.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling for today. Hope all is well with all of you.
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