
Apr 13, 2005 04:30

This is perhaps the best non-American drug propaganda site I've ever seen. It's like they just read all of our hysterical, unsubstantiated "research" and copied it directly, adding in a few arbitrary things even Americans weren't brazen enough to include. My favorite parts:

+ Dagga or Cannabis is well known in South Africa. It is surrounded by various myths, of which the following is mentioned often:

"Dagga is derived from the earth and is therefore a natural product".

Alright, so... where does it come from if it doesn't come from the earth? Also, South Africa, what is your definition of natural? They never bother to elucidate this groundbreaking announcement.

+ One of the street names they cite is "shit". It would seem that someone in the South African Propaganda Department watched that Cheech and Chong movie where they smoke the dog doo. Very hip.

+ "The smoking of a Dagga cigarette is known as "Slow Boat." This term has not been used since 1965.

+ "According to the National Narcotics Control Board there is no medicinal use for Dagga recognized in any country and there is no scientific evidence that the Dagga plant as such has any medicinal purposes that have not been substituted by safer drugs." First of all, several countries prescribe it. Does South Africa give out prescriptions for drugs that have no medicinal value? Second, that depends on your definition of "safer." Marinol, the synthetic form of THC, is hardly ever used because it can cause severe nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness and dementia. Also, I have to point out that at the top of the website, they go after cannabis because they claim it isn't derived from the earth and is therefore not a natural product. Now, less than half a page later, they're touting synthetic drugs. That's cute. Fuckwits.

+ "In the Eastern Cape (former Transkei and Ciskei) and Kwazulu Natal it is a traditional source of income to farm Dagga. The Eastern Cape is one of the largest Dagga producing areas in South Africa. This can be verified by the total number of confiscations done by the South African Police Service." Good to see that we Americans aren't the only ones into destroying the only livelihood some poor farming community has known for generations. I don't suppose the South African Police Service will be funding education so that these folks can farm something else or learn a new trade.

+ "The stronger the dose of Dagga that is taken the longer and more intense the so-called "Trip" will be." Anyone who thinks that you trip after smoking marijuana is an idiot and should be given neither your time nor your trust.

+ "Dagga has the effect to speed up the pulse rate of an individual and the blood pressure drop drastically." No.

+ "It also causes a dry mouth and in certain cases it causes hallucinations." So drink some fucking water. And no.

+ "aggression". Yeah... I know a lot of very aggressive potheads. They reach for the Doritos almost as aggressively as they play the sitar. This website was created by troglodytes.


* Brain damage - debunked. debunked.
* Sterility - debunked.
* Emotional and Spiritual problems - i guess that's why i haven't been going to church.
* Lowered Libido - speak for yourself, douche-nozzle.
* Weakened Liver functions - ?

+ "The long-term use of Dagga can lead to lung cancer and various sources have been quoted to state that Dagga is more damaging to the lungs than normal cigarette smoke." This may be true. However, the people who wrote this don't know that. No one does, including me or you, because controlled studies have not been conducted re: buddha/cancer because of the social stigma still attached, stigma primarily put in place by assholes like these guys. Pretty convenient, huh? Spout off bullshit disguised as science, then refuse to conduct the research that may disprove your "theories" citing morality (your own) as the reason. It's a tactic taken directly from your Uncle Sam's playbook.

+ "The metabolites of Dagga stay in the lungs for a very long time and also affect the immune system." At first they used the word "rhododendron" in place of "metabolite" because it sounded more convincing, but they became aware of their mistake and used the next word they could think of that is over three syllables in length.

+ "There are certain cases where individuals, especially juveniles, hallucinate after using Dagga." This is the fifth time they say this. It is a lie. If you're hallucinating after smoking a joint, guess what? You should thank your host or your dealer, because you probably just smoked opium. Also, call my cell.

+ "In 1928 the cultivating and use of Dagga was prohibited (banned) in South Africa." Only a year after it was made illegal in the United States. What a coincidence.

Anti-drug propaganda is a fun way to start the day. Also, I am stoned. I hope I don't go sterile or fly into a psychotic rage and run over little girls in the drive-thru or smart shooting the smack or end up all strung out on goofballs. Blah, blah, blah, blah...
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