While I will not gamble with real money, I will occasionally play the lottery when the jackpot goes over $100 million. I freely acknowledge that I am giving $1 to the state of Texas. I will get $5 of enjoyment out of pondering like
Tevye what I would do if I won.
Tonight's Mega Millions jackpot is $145,400 cash ($200 Million annuitized).
Less Taxes of 28%: $40,712,000.
Equals Net winnings of : $104,688,000.
- Tithe to Church and various missionaries I know: $14,500,000
- Paying off all debts we owe (house, etc): $150,000 (I know we don't owe that much, but since this is fantasy, let's keep the numbers round)
- College funds of $2 million each for my sons, Godchildren, and cousin's children: $20,000,000
- Buy new house on Mom-Hines's land in Lucas that Sivi has always wanted: $300,000
- Replace both cars: $60,000
- Buy the Dallas Sidekicks: $2,000,000
- Endow the Sidekicks operational losses indefinitely: $10,000,000
- Donation to Doctors Without Borders: $10,000,000
- Private school education for the boys for their elementary and secondary careers: $1,000,000
- Endow Fencon: $1,000,000
- Endow District 50 for dues and conference fee scholarships: $1,000,000
- Alan's new career as a professional college student: $2,000,000
Even with all that largesse, we still have $42,678,000 to give away. If put $20 million in an untouchable set of bank accounts and lived off the interest, that would give us an income of $200,000 per year, debt free.
It is possible that God would bless us with the right numbers, but I expect He has more important things to do.
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