New gal with some arts...

Dec 16, 2010 22:24

Yeah, so I'm new here. New to the game as well. Don't know why it took me so long to actually get into it 'cause it's kinda amazing. I mean, I felt that the story crawls along but it's well worth sticking around for the characters...
Like Balthier. And Ashe. And Basch. And Fran. And...well, you know what I mean.

So, Balthier and Ashe were like 'hells yes!' for me and I've been on a total fanfic binge for those two for the last few days, lurking about here. It wasn't until now that I decided I wanted to contribute (and hope the fandom's still alive), so I present to you a piece of fanart I did (at my DeviantArt):

Hope you enjoy.
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