Ficlet: Escape (Pirates AU)

May 02, 2007 23:01

fandom: battlestar galactica au, escape, baltar/gaeta, nc-17
for demonqueen666

Felix tenses, waiting for the shot that will tear through his head and scatter his blood to the deck.

Instead, the world shakes with a distant ‘boom’, one that Felix hears inside his own chest. He snaps his head up and the executioner is distracted, looking away - to a ship, sailing the skull and crossbones.

Felix dodges out of the way, before they can turn their attention back to him, and the next few minutes are full - of wood splinters and cannon and red-orange flame.

Felix huddles against the wall of the cabin. He’s bound, chained; there’s nothing he can do to fight back, and when the pirates board, he presents himself as little of a threat as possible.

“Take that one,” he hears, a precise, British voice, and an arm slides around Felix’s waist, physically lifts him off the deck. He doesn’t fight, and in minutes, he’s tossed inside a darkened cabin. Safe, maybe, for now.

He doesn’t know, it may have been a long time before the cabin door opens - when it does, it’s dark outside, and Felix barely catches a glimpse of stars before the door shuts again.

“And what’s your name, then?” comes the voice, the one Felix heard before. In the dull candlelight, Felix sees the outline of a face.

“Felix Gaeta,” Felix responds, drawing his knees up underneath him.

“Felix Gaeta.” The face moves closer, coming clearer. “I’m Gaius Baltar.”

Felix’s blood runs cold. Gaius Baltar - the famous pirate, known for his ruthlessness -

“Don’t be scared,” smiles the pirate. “I saved your life, didn’t I? It belongs to me now.” His hand strokes around Felix’s jaw. “Pray tell, why did the Spanish want to execute one so pretty as you?”

Felix flinches. “What were you doing there?” he asks. “Shopping for prisoners?”

Baltar shoots him a charismatic grin. “Pirates don’t go shopping,” he corrects. “Unless by ‘shopping’, you mean ‘killing’.”

Felix almost smiles at that.

“You have a choice,” says Baltar. “You can stay in here, with me, and be in my bed tonight, or you can work outside with the rest of the slaves.”

Felix cocks his head to the side. “I’ll stay in here,” a challenge.

Baltar flicks an eyebrow. “Very well, then,” and he kisses Felix, shoving him against the wall of the cabin. Felix moves with it, tangling their tongues. The pirate doesn’t want an easy conquest, Felix guesses, so he bites, nips - and he’s right, it only makes Baltar more excited.

Baltar hauls him to the bed, barely stopping to undo the chains, and distracts him with brushing touches, everywhere. Felix has never been so intimately examined in his life, and even though he doesn’t intend it, he finds his cock stirring to life.

“Ah, that’s it,” murmurs the pirate, and he spreads Felix’s legs open.

“No,” Felix protests, struggling for real now, but the sun-and-sea-roughened muscles keep him down, and Baltar prepares him, still with a strange gentleness. When he pushes inside, harder than stone, it doesn’t hurt, not as much as Felix is expecting. Just stretches him so far, such a sweet violation, that Felix can’t but abandon himself to it.

Felix sighs into sleep with Baltar’s arm around his waist; after all, he thinks, one form of escape is much like another.
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