Parallel worlds

Apr 15, 2011 14:58

 Of all the opinions expressed online throughout the day on the net, following the interview of Mufti Talgat Tajuddin on Moskovskiye Novosti , I found the one on the Echo of Moscow, by Антон Орехъ, the most reasonable .
After analysing the consequences of such a move [introducing a crescent to balance the cross, in the Russian flag ], he came to the conclusion that the imam and clerics in general, " live in a parallel world and vigilantly see what is not, but do not see what is actually going on around them ."
I do appreciate the effort of the Mufti, that is to create a sense of belonging in the Russian Muslim, as well as to strengthen ties with other non Muslims citizens of Russia, and I know where his position comes from .
Because let’s admit it, to be a Muslim out of non Muslim lands, is not that easy . And this doesn’t happen because our religion is so difficult to practice or different, but because it generates a culture to which our daily life is attached, and this culture has its rythms and requirements . The challenge faced by a Muslim living out of Muslim lands, is to reconcile all the traditions to which he belongs .
Now I am not sure that just placing a crescent on the flag of the country of nationality, would do the job or could be a start . I would rather concentrate my attention on developing relationships with school mates or work colleagues . That is the core of the interfaith dialogue : to let them understand that despite differences, we can live together in the same place .
The interview sparked controversies, and Mufti Tajuddin is not new to this, because his proposal was seen as a way to gain ground , a material move, while the evidence that a Muslim can be Russian and Muslim at the same time, without giving up any of his identities,, definitely must come from the heart . His words were perceived as a threat, a counter crusade .
If his concern, as I understand from the rest of the interview, is the construction of mosques in Moscow, something which is definitely not appreciated by a large number of Moscovites, then he spoiled the whole thing .
And this happened, as the Russian blogger beautifully put it , because he is far from reality . After a crescent has been added to the flag, other religious groups will pretend the same, and from the flag, they will pass to the constitution .
One more time a religious leader of ours, has given the idea that we want to give troubles, to make things more complicated .
If Mufti Tajuddin spent more time to mingle with the people of Russia, rather than walking through wordly amenities, then not only the umma but also the non Muslim population will have a benefit .
We have to go back to the roots of Islam, which is unlike others, a religion of enormous practicality .

mad mullahs, russia

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