Paving the way

Sep 27, 2011 09:15

Problem is that true Islam will always be based on the Quran and the Sunna too, which is why it kind of doesn't make sense to say that true Islam is something different from what some misguided Muslims do. I mean I know what is there in the Quran, and what is in the Sunna. There are things paving the way for FGM, polygamy, terrorism, and all that to happen, that is why true Islam to me is different from true Islam those Muslims think is.

Oh and the Sunna is a different story. I am 100% sure that the best part of the Sunna shouldn't matter to us today. Muslim scholars keep saying that God will reward those Muslims who worked hard to collect everything the Prophet said or said about his life. For me I would like to say thank you very much for making our life difficult. Because of them we have FGM type IIb done to almost every girl in Dhofar. Shy rebellious Arab girl

Those who were born and raised as Muslims in Muslim lands, have an heritage which is partly derived from their own traditions, and not all of it is good, and partly from their religion .
Problems starts when we apply schemes and rules belonging to culture, to religious issues .
This way we start to think that some ways imposed by Islam, do not just make sense .
So we have big chapters like polygamy that need to be rediscussed .
Marrying a second wife is allowed only in particular cases and it requires conditions .
Basically no one of the parties involved should suffer of it, which is definitely difficult, but when something is done purely for the love of God, then it should succeed .

In the story told by the Dhofari girl (from the Southern part of Oman, in the Persian Gulf), there is a flaw which is given not really by the Islamic rule allowing polygamy, rather by the attitude of her fellow citizens who point fingers against her and part of her siblings, simply to show that they are inferior .
Provoking feelings of jealousy and envy, is highly discouraged in Islam .
Yet we do it .
Moreover it seems from her words, that her father was not capable to build a balanced environment for the whole family, then why did he proceed with the second marriage ?
That is also something reproached in Islam .

Mimi says that Islam paves the way for some practices .
I bear to disagree with that .
As described in hadith where the prophet was outlining the way of Islam and other ways with small pieces of wood, Islam paves one main way which is the only follow, but then we build those of our own and go after them .
In the same manner, for those who were raised as Muslims or embraced Islam in a non Islamic environment, the challenge is not to be driven away from a cultural heritage that is very far from the religion, and that pushes us to follow a self-made Islam .
We are the ones who make our life difficult .

islamic and around

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