Popular clones

Jul 12, 2011 16:51

One of the advantages of the advent of the social networks, is that the gap VIP-commoner is slightly reduced .
It’s very easy to find celebrities on Facebook and Twitter, and despite their accounts are often run by their collaborators, in many cases, specially in countries like Russia, where the establishment understood the importance to be transparent and to communicate with its citizens in real time, is very easy to be in touch with politicians or journalists, that is, the people who govern the country or are paid to understand political tendencies .
For example there is the Rogozin family, who is very active and open to dialogue with everybody on all platforms (I advice to check Tatiana videos on youtube, she is definitely lovely), or many governors who can be found on Twitter or Livejournal , as well as journalists and members of the opposition who prefer Facebook .
This way it’s easy to understand also how one may dream to be a celebrity : once you open an account, you will receive hundreds of friendship requests or gain lots of followers .
When you are an important person, you will find lot of carpets spread on your way .

So there are a couple of spoof accounts of the Kremlin on Twitter, which are clearly fake and not verified, and very well known to regular users, which have been left free to tweet for long time now .
Last week also a Kadyrov account appeared, but soon after Ramzan made clear from his livejournal, that it was not him there, it suddenly disappeared .
Now the talk of the week, has been one of those Kremlin fake accounts which has all of a sudden been suspended, while the other is still in place .
Why the double standard ?
This account, if am not mistaken it never claimed to be original, started to run some polls on electoral preferences, those which are trendy in this period , like Putin vs Medvedev and the new entry Prokhorov .
It received thousands of answers, so probably at this point the presidential staff started to fear that in a further step, those behind the account might have tried to influence popular sensibilities .
So they requested Twitter intervention .
End of the story : also the only politician on earth who understood the use of the internet, as an expert defined him at St. Petersburg forum, is using the net simply for his own good, and became scared that somebody else might have replaced him .

God bless Putin who doesn’t even have a mobile phone .

P.S. for those who know me around the net, I just love to use as avatar, personalised pictures of people I like, as Kadyrov, Putin or Surkov, but I am not them .
I am just Balqis, the queen of the pizza  ^_^

internet, russia, politics

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