First of all, yes, I am late, and second of all, yes,
Part Eleven is up, and I think some of last week's concluding nonsense is explained.
Second of all, you may find that Book One is no longer online. No, there's nothing wrong with the links-or rather, yes there is, but that's because I haven't had time to sweep the entire site and take the link down temporarily. I am doing this because I have a Super-Sekrit Project in the works, and I want Book One kept close to the chest while I deal with it. You will be able to get access again, and if you are someone I know personally and want to get caught up on the first book's conclusion, talk to me and we'll work out a delivery system. I will say no more for the moment.
Third of all, I want to know how many of you are actually reading this. My Google Analytics are not wholly informative about direct connections, you see, or about telling me where the unique hits are coming from. If nobody is reading, I won't say I won't be disappointed; but since I may have to take a couple-week break soon due to Real Life I want to know what my readership is like so I know what course of action to take. Thanks in advance.