Apr 29, 2009 19:19

i steal quotes from secrets and put them in my essays :(
and then i feel bad because i couldnt come up with anything better.

whenever i daydream about them,
ringo's always how i meet them,
george is always the first boyfriend,
john is always my best friend,
and paul's always the husband <3
but john lights candles and puts gum under the pillow (things dont go far)!!

i w a n t to be the girl in help that paul plays like a left handed sexy bass guitar.!

or bass players.
or both :)
guys totally don't intrest me anymore.
i just want to go home and and dream of lying next to Paul..
.....or peter parker :x

my best friends were amazing. we all started liking the beatles together, we all fell in love, we all learned all the lyrics and read all the books
they abandoned them because they werent popular,
then they abandoned me for the same reason.
it wouldnt have fuckin' worked anyways,
the boys will always be my best friend.

talking about the beatles
makes me feel like a loser

i always freak out at people when they dont capitalize their names, but i NEVER do (john paul george ringo)

i want everything to be about the beatles!! (and i dont think that will ever change)

i stole an article about bob dylan from a magazine but i wouldnt take a picture of John.
and now that I've written it down I feel REAALly guilty

i fucking love the anthology, but i'm afraid of listening to it,
because i know that theres really no more music from the beatles. there isnt going to be more made, and theres no hidden tracks to be released, and the ones that they do find are just like revolution#9, and... well..
i just wish the music was better these days, and i could find a better band to like :(

i gave up time, school, friends and potiential friends for them,



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