Jul 24, 2005 11:57
hello everybody.
i'm working at the darkroom today, and it seems like it will be kind of slow-going; there's nobody printing yet, and there's only one other guy (Stu) in the studio. the class of studies in nude photography has been cancelled, which i suppose is more or less a good thing; i imagine the type of people that would attract would not generally be the most, uh, artistically-minded if you catch my drift. i signed someone up for the class a month or so ago, over the phone, and he lowered his voice and was very, uh, not up front with his wording, if you capiche what i'm diciendo.
anyway. the point of sharing all that was to say that i have time for a real post now.
i bought some new pants yesterday, wearing them today. nothing beats the feeling of wearing a once-washed, well-fitting pair of Levi 501 shrink-to-fit rigid jeans. the 2 pairs of jeans i had have been getting very well-worn and also do not fit so well anymore. i seem to have lost 2-3 inches off my waistline since spring. i attribute this to being more active and eating less, but my grandma is pretty concerned. i'm a little concerned, as i haven't seen hipbone bulges for, like, EVER. so, this week will mark a concerted effort to increase protein and iron intake.
also this week i'm going to try to not spend any money. my paychecks don't like me and therefore don't stick around too long; they are apparently more fond of Everyday Music and the Thriftway on farmington. so, i shall be making lunches for the week en mass tonight, and money shall only be spent on gas.
also tonight i intend to clean my room more completely; i got a head-start yesterday but it's a long way in coming. i bought some new hanging folders and will be designating some for clippings from the weeklies so i can get started recycling that shit. another folder shall be designated for some sort of financial ledger so i can get more responsible with that stuff. and, a couple other folders shall be marked for holding old negative sleeves. fuck fuck fuck, so much to do. i'd also like to get my shelves organized so i can set up either my toys or my pez dispensers or ideally both. i picked up some "museum gel" to affix them in place; ideally i'd like to set up a stair stepping system using shelving pieces from home depot.
i visited sarah last week up in Kennewick/ Moses Lake, which was really great. we played scrabble and i got my ass handed to me 2 out of 3 times; and we watched/fell asleep during the Neverending Story. For something neverending, it seemed to have a finite length of about 100 minutes.
The nice thing about Moses Lake is you can drive right through the lake it because it's parted down the middle. The Israelites sure knew a thing or two about traffic efficiency.
I had an Arnold Palmer at Perkins; not up to par.
I skipped work on Monday citing bad seafood.
the rest of the workweek was fairly unremarkable; talked to Scott about time travel, aliens, prison time in AZ, (he was sentenced by Sandra Day O Connor's sister), theoretical quantam physics, levitation, pitbulls.
Scott's pirahna is sick.
Scott's cat was killed by his pitbulls.
I bought a couple new records:
*The Streets-A grand don't come for free
*Smashing Pumpkins-Siamese Dream
and a new cd:
*Nick Drake-Pink Moon
and a new book:
*Jasper Fforde-The Big Over Easy, the first chapter of which i read to sarah on the phone last night before bed; she's a little under the weather and barring a cup of warm soup or a shot of Vicks, being read-to is nice when feeling ill.
and, the exploits of Jack Spratt of the Nursery Crime Division investigating the apparent falling-death of Ovoid D-Class celebrity Humpty Dumpty are quite entertaining.
had brekkers w/ dad today; first time i've seen him in 6 weeks. veggie 9 grain samich @ noah's bagels. oishii ne.
ok i think i've written plenty and i'd like to go pee.
projects over the next few weeks:
*Unionizing Mercer Industries.
*Finding cheap polaroid, modifying to allow for manually focusing.
*Buying a silkscreen/ ink.
*Weaseling a press pass for PAX. (www.pennyarcadeexpo.com) - my bro's going to compete in the Omegathon II, the ultimate test of gaming skill, so i gotta get in on this. Plus it looks AWESOME. Videogames, MC Chris, the Minibosses, ...Bellevue.
*Prepping for a wedding photo gig 20 Aug.
*Compiling birthday list. I gave my dad one this morning on a napkin. It read:
*****"Birthday List:
*****1) A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers
*****2) Soy Milk
*****3) Granola"
ok i need to pee wicked bad now.
ah. much better. right when i was about to go someone came in and i had to set them up. then someone else came in.
ok. i'm going to go and read and listen to joan of arc.