Mar 17, 2009 02:19
So, on Saturday at work I was pretty hungover. I could not work with Jimmy at all. Seriously, everyone has said they've never had a kid like him. He is just so afraid of the water but he is also my boss' nephew. I don't wanna teach this little brat anymore. On the other hand I think Dan didn't like that I wasn't as "enthusiastic" about working on saturday and I spent a lot of the time talking to Brittany. He actually came over and asked us why we weren't teaching but both our groups didn't show up and we were just chillin in our designated area. So she kept saying how I should go meet up with her at the St. Patties day. So I was just like " ummm sure, find me on facebook". She eventually made me find her on facebook ( this was all because I didn't bring my phone to work). But I said sure I would love to meet up her just call me.
So on Sunday morning she wakes me up at 1 via text message. And tells me to meet her and katie at delaware and chippewa at 2. So long story short I get there and shes not there...turns out she was taking the subway and a huge fight broke out and she called me for a ride from utica but I didn't hear my phone. So she had her friend Andre pick her up ( there you go Alain you could of done very well but you didn't, idiot). But yea I see a bunch of Tony's people at the parade and then she finally finds me. We had spot coffee! It was good stuff, green whipped cream. A guy walks in with a bucket of roses and I half a second thought of stepping up and getting two, one for her and one for katie. You know just to be sweet. But I thought to my self " No, thats the kind of bullshit I saved for lauren." Maybe I should have.
But Yea I ended up getting the girls to ditch those guys she came with because she wanted me to go to an Irish club that her dad is a part of. The whole time I thought she wanted to go to a night club. I was like " I can't go out tonight...ect" felt like an idiot. But yea she finally drags me to blackthorne for 10 minutes and I met basically a good portion of her family...Mom,dad, aunt, uncle, cousins...
How is one suppose to take that. She was talking to her parents about me as if she knew me for a long time. But I had to take katie home because she needed to be home by 5:30. Brittany didn't come she had to wait at blackthorne for andre because afterall he did come get them from Utica and she wasn't going to leave him at her dad's pub by himself...
After I dropped katie off, I got ming from the airport...and ran a redlight It was the first time I actually made an almost fatal driving mistake, a car was turning left and stopped..thank you. So I sped into the open lane and corrected my self.
Ming and I went to friday's for dinner, Brittany texted me thanking me for taking katie home and she asked if we could hang out again...Maybe I should have been a little more romancy with the roses? Nah save it.
Did I mention when I first met her she was set on going to Oswego, and now due to scholarship problems she might be going to UB?
School Sucks I wanna drink a lot on St. Patties but I have two exams this week. Oh well Might as well. I have to do well on bio.
I told Ming about my idea for grad school, I said if I 4.0. and get an upper level score on the Pcat/Mcat I'm gonna do some internships and try to apply to john hopkins med to see if I can. He laughed at the idea and said there was no way because there are students from top schools applying for that. I didn't wanna say it but he's always saying how he wants to do med instead of pharm but then again he's working for it. He's throwing away his undergrad classes like whatever. As of now I don't even think will make it into pharmD. Oh well
I'm sick as hell I think im Dieing.