This is awesome times awesome. It's awesome squared.

Sep 26, 2008 05:53

I have to say, all my shows this week were just fantastic. I think the writing of most shows last season suffered at least a little after the writers strike, so it's nice to see shows back the way they're supposed to be.

How I Met Your Mother was awesome. I'm really glad they're exploring the whole Robin/Barney relationship. I think they would make a really cute couple. And the way they are going about it is just perfect. I mean, I would find it a little hard to believe if Barney just altogether stopped sleeping with other women right away. That would be completely out of character. I think the writers are building it all up in just the right way. Oh and the Star Wars thing was hilarious.

Bones? THANK GOD Zach didn't kill the guy! All summer I've been ranting to anyone who will listen about HOW FREAKIN OUT OF CHARACTER that finale was. And, even with this new information, it's still out of character. But it's better. I have an easier time believing that Zach could be briefly persuaded that a killer was right (In my mind it was brief. I don't think they ever explained how long Zach was supposed to have been on the dark side. Maybe I just need to rewatch.) than believing that he could actually, physically kill a man. I'm glad that the writers are trying to clean up their mess the best they can.

In any case, it was SO GOOD to have him back! I love him. And I also love Sweets, so I thought making Sweets Zach's doctor was just a brilliant idea. When they have scenes together I always feel as if I might die from all the cuteness. And speaking of cuteness, how cute was Booth this week? He's gone from jealous Booth to overly protective Booth, and both versions of him are just adorable! Booth and Brennan gotta get together this season. They just gotta.

The Office season premiere blew me away. I didn't see the proposal coming at all. I thought after the finale it might take Jim a while to try again. And I thought the way he did it was just the sweetest way possible. MUCH better than the way he was planning last time. Also, I just loved that they kept so much with the documentary feel of the show, even for such a big scene. Of course they always manage to keep the documentary feel, but it really struck me when there were cars going by between the camera and the characters. Shooting the proposal from across the street = genius.

Oh and I totally ship Micheal and Holly now. Those two are ADORABLE! Maybe even a bit more than Jim and Pam. The funny thing is, I really wanted not to like Holly. I found Michael's hatred of Toby just hilarious, so of course I wanted Toby to stay. But now I have a damn cute ship, so I guess it all evens out.

Also, the Evil League of Evil is now accepting applications. And I'm kinda considering it, because THAT is how much I love Dr. Horrible and THAT is how much of a geek I really am. But I don't know if I could work up the nerve to really do it. And I'm not sure two weeks is enough time for me, anyway. We shall see. ...Wow that post came out way longer than originally planned.

the office, michael/holly, bones, jim/pam, dr. horrible, how i met your mother

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